Installation Types
Sebastien Gouin-Davis avatar
Written by Sebastien Gouin-Davis
Updated over a week ago

There are three installation types for the Amatis Advanced Load Controller.

Option 1: Per Fixture Control

Per fixture control allows more customization, compared to groupings of fixtures that provide a maximum return on investment.



Maximum customizability, grouping, data, capability, and flexibility

Highest Amatis material cost

No circuitry limitations or labor estimation risk


Option 2: Convenient Zone Control

Convenient Zone Control is when the pre-existing circuitry does not need to be modified to accommodate the newly proposed lighting zones.



Minimal Amatis material cost

Controlled zone is defined by current circuitry which may not be ideal

Primary labor effort limited to low voltage 0-10V

Re-zoning not possible

Minimal labor effort if no 0-10V dimming required


Option 3: Inconvenient Zone Control

Inconvenient Zone Control is when the circuit needs to be broken and re-established by connecting necessary fixtures and running unswitched power to the start of each zone.



Minimal Amatis material cost (same as option 2)

Complete overhaul of existing circuitry = maximum labor required

Re-zoning not possible



  • Designing controls into a space is often a balance between material and labor costs

  • Saving material costs is possible, but be sure to understand the labor impact first

  • Per-fixture controls offers the most flexibility with the lowest labor risk

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