Sebastien Gouin-Davis avatar
Written by Sebastien Gouin-Davis
Updated over a week ago

Schedules allow users to specify dates and reoccurrence patterns for changing the settings of their lighting control zones or locations. Company or Administrative users can create or edit custom schedules for individual days or in larger reoccurring frequencies, like weekly instances. There is no limit to how far in advance events can be scheduled. Basic users can view schedules created.

Type a LinkID into the “scene to execute” bar to trigger the scene associated with that LinkID.


1. Select "Schedule" from the bottom-left main navigation.

2. Select a scene to execute. Selecting a scene specifies which action will occur at the set time.

3. Select the time and reoccurrence for your schedule.

4. Create a name specific to the schedule you're making.

5. Select the Update button.

Note: We do not recommend adding schedules to areas with occupancy control turned on. Occupancy overrides schedule, so your lights may still turn on after the designated scheduled off time if the sensors detect motion, and may turn off if the occupancy timeout is triggered after the lights are scheduled to turn on. The simplest method is to rely on occupancy in rooms with motion sensors and schedule lights when occupancy is completely off.

Keep in Mind:

  • Single-event schedules can be overridden by an occupant pressing a physical switch, the Amatis app using slider control or switch control, or a sensor in the space triggered by an occupant. Using another strategy, as a reoccurring schedule or configuring After Hours Occupancy, may make more sense if you expect interruption.

  • To trigger between normal hours and after hours scheduling, you must turn on the daytime nighttime feature while commissioning. This will create a "Start Normal Hours" and "Start After Hours" in the scenes to execute tab.

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